Market Recap for 7/30/24


Dow +203.40 at 40743.13, Nasdaq -222.78 at 17147.42, S&P -27.10 at 5436.44

Nasdaq Composite:+14.2% YTD
S&P 500: +14.0% YTD
Russell 2000: +10.7% YTD
S&P Midcap 400: +10.7% YTD
Dow Jones Industrial Average: +8.1% YTD

The stock market has a mixed showing today in front of influential earnings news after the close. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (+0.5%) and Russell 2000 (+0.6%) closed with gains while the S&P 500 (-0.5%) and Nasdaq Composite (-1.3%) settled lower, clipped by losses in growth stocks, mega cap names, and semiconductor-related shares.

The Russell 3000 Growth Index logged a 1.1% decline, the Vanguard Mega Cap Growth ETF (MGK) fell 1.3%, and the PHLX Semiconductor Index (SOX) registered a 3.9% loss. NVIDIA (NVDA 103.73, -7.86, -7.0%) was among the top laggard from the spaces.

Dow components Merck (MRK 115.25, -12.53, -9.8%) and Procter & Gamble (PG 161.70, -8.23, -4.8%) were also among the influential losers after reporting earnings.

AMD had a decent # after the close and is up 5.8%, on the other hand MSFT screwed the pooch and is down 6.4% in after-market trading.

We are so many trillions in debt right now it seems like it is going to be a massive catastrophe in the making.

Other than that, we are getting very oversold, mainly Nasdaq. We still have MSFT and APPL on deck with many other names reporting.

In 1919, the Rothschilds and their colleagues, began meeting twice a day to set the price of GOLD as it became one of the family’s most valuable assets, and it eventually became a benchmark amongst the world markets. The meetings apparently went down like this: several participants would send their representatives to the Rothschild offices. They would then call their trading room and raise the Union Jack. Once all the flags had been lowered, the price had been agreed upon. The daily meetings continued from 1919 to 2004, when Barclays took up the spot that the Rothschilds once held. Nathan Rothschild called the King of England a puppet. He said, “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.

Their motto is to keep everyone in debt. The more debt owed, the more power they have and the more money they have.

The new August P&L is on the blog. Here was the action for July.

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