Rates Will Never Go Up Again and The Cubs Will Never Win a World Series Again


The GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2016 is 0.4 percent on April 5, down from 0.7 percent on April 1.

From Mike Shedlock

“Sufficient momentum to raise rates as soon as April”- Dennis Lockhart March 21

You stop laughing yet?????

On the same day this bloated bureaucrat commented……………..

March 21-Existing home sales plunged a surprising 7.1%

March 24- Durable goods orders plunge 2.8%

March 28- Consumer spending buckles

March 29- Yellen goes back to dovish.

April 4- Factory Orders dive 1.7%, capital goods drop 2.5%, the prior month is revised lower.

April 5- Trade deficit widens

Yes, I know the market isn’t the economy (SPX would be 1100 if it was). FactSet sees first quarter earnings down 8.5% from last year by the way. Baked in?  We’ll find out soon enough.

Japan’s Kuroda is “NIRPING” Japan into the Pacific Ocean and Europe is so standing on one giant freaking egg shell.

All I can say is thank God for buybacks and non-gaap accounting.

I”m long things and short things and enjoying the confusion.

I’m giving a way a free year if you grab a year  here.

Some first quarter subscriber winners: QLYS +47%, ITCI +16.5%, BTU + 76.0%, TREE +18%, HIMX +13.7%, GUSH +17%, YRD +30.0%, UVXY +18%, BZQ +57.0%, ARLP +22.0%, PACB +22.0%, SMN +18%, LAD +22.0%, KMX +16%

Subscribers April P&L thus far here



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