New Platinum Premium Service


I quietly tested a new service on the down low about six months ago. It was a massive success. I wanted to give it a test run before I offered it out to subscribers. This is a Premium product that I am only offering to members. I could offer it to my combined 100,000 Twitter and Stocktwits followers, but I want to keep it in house.  For me to do it effectively, it’s important that I keep it to a very manageable group of people.

I am only opening this up to about twenty members at this stage.

I am offering complete access to my ideas, chart analysis, my private phone number, dedicated email and a private direct message capability on Twitter that only you and I will have access to.  I will also analyze your portfolio and make appropriate recommendations to help manage your risk.  Bottom line: full access.

Coming soon: Live Skype video calls analyzing pre-market and global futures. Its a global economy, you need to be abreast.

I am also working on deals with vendors that will hopefully allow me to drop institutional research in your inbox every morning. Research from Goldman, McClellan, JP Morgan and some of the best institutional research boutiques on Wall Street.

I still believe that this will be an incredibly challenging year and I know this product will be a benefit.

The price will be:

$7500 for six months or $12,000 for one year.

I have institutional and hedge fund members that have followed me for years and the price point for them will be more than double.

This doesn’t change your existing memberships, but if you are looking for mentorship and someone who will be with you every step of the way, then shoot me an email and let me know.

Please email at [email protected] should you have interest or questions.

Best regards


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