3 Biotechs Going To $100


Treatment with re-engineered immune cells designed to kill leukemia has led to complete remissions in more than 90% of a small group of children and young adults.

More than two-thirds of the patients remain cancer free six months following treatment and 75% of patients are still alive. This new form of cancer immunotherapy, which scientists refer to as CAR-T for the receptor added to killer T cells in the lab, promises to radically change the way certain blood cancers are treated.  $KITE, $BLUE and $JUNO are the players here. $CELG will benefit also because of a partnership with BLUE.

$KITE – Look at this bull pattern, First stop is the top of the channel around 70. Long


$JUNO has only been public for a couple of weeks, but is a major player in this space. Long


$BLUE has been coiling since the breakaway gap back in early December. Looking for $150 this year. Long


Biotech has outperformed the S&P for three years now.  Will it continue? That’s anybody’s guess, but my guess is that they will.  Too much game changing science is out there now and a takeover flurry will probably keep a strong bid under these names in 2015.

My Premium Members have core positions in these names, but we also trade them.  Last week we took partial gains in in JUNO +44%, +FPRX +88.0% , KITE +14%.

If you are interested in joining our group, then come by and start a monthly or annual subscription. Discount ends Sunday.

Good trading.



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