

The S&P 500 has successfully tested ( so far)the 20 day moving average on the daily chart. Most of the stocks we own gapped through stops which now makes it decision time as to what you may want to do.

The DOW is now down about 500 points in a few days and the S&P has given up a bunch of points.

The wild card here is Europe and no one knows how that will pan out. If they hit a brick wall, the dollar will go higher and stocks will certainly go lower.

I have stopped MELA because it trades weak, but I am holding ALXN, AAPL, CBST, VPRT, ARIA and the small piece of KERX.

Today will be a wild ride, if you want, you can put your stops at the lows of the day for each stock, that is how I am playing it.



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