Stocks In Play

Kind of a flat morning so far, but there is some good action in certain spots.

The dollar continues it’s bounce.

OPEN is trying for a continuation day after yesterday’s nice pop. If it can get through the $76.70 level it could get legs and make a run to the low 80’s.

SOA has a nice daily and appears to be breaking out.

The agriculture stocks seem to be unstoppable as MOS, AGU and POT continue to pop.

Oil is flat but I still like OXY on this dip. PXP too.

Coal is down a bit after a big run, but the daily on KOL is in tact and I like MEE and BTU here.

RIMM had a nice pop yesterday, but so far it looks like it may have been a head fake, but it’s early.

NFLX has violated some moving average support and needs to be watched here. If volume kicks in to the downside it could drop hard and fast.

Just some things I’m watching from my perch. Have a great day.

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