Weekend Linky Dinks: A Week of Rare Earth and G-20

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”–Winston Churchill

The world’s leading advanced and emerging countries vowed Saturday to avoid potentially debilitating currency devaluations, aiming to reduce trade tensions that could threaten the global recovery. So that’s that, the G-20, which is the UN of finance, is back in the strip club for now, until their next world changing get together.

It was a steady week for stocks as “rare earth” plays took center stage. Some doubled, most have nothing but a ticker symbol and unborrowable shares , so they flew. Eerily reminiscent of mining penny stocks back in the 70’s, but fun for now, just don’t get caught leaning the wrong way.. Most will return to pennies over time.

The market is in the nosebleed seats, but could stay that way. Next week should be fun. Have a great weekend and enjoy the links.

So if I hold a stock for five minutes, am I a buy and holder? Scary moves in stocks lately, as the human element leaves the building.

Maybe some more love for Netflix.

Yep, Steve Jobs was fired once.

Can Twitter predict the stock market?

Big time VC invests big in social networking applications.


Bullish on Flash

Questions about the Volt.

Incentivized foreclosures...speed meant money.

One tough gal.

Illegal aliens canvass for votes.

Failed stimulus costs more than the Iraq war.

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