{+++}The market decided to burst higher today and was in a healthy upward channel from the open. Earnings have been good, especially with Intel last night and JP Morgan this morning. We have GOOG after the close tomorrow and BAC on Friday morning.
KSWS exploded and CLDX had a technically positive day with increasing volume BAC and BHP triggered and other names are getting close.
Oil is trying to take a leadership role and I am looking for a continuation on that front. Unfortunately RIG stopped to the penny yesterday and popped today. It looks like some of you held on-so congrats.
CLF looks like it may be getting ready to go, so keep an eye on it tomorrow. We closed JEF and FFIV today with great profits. The chat room was buzzing today, so if you have time check in tomorrow and say hi.
The market is still strong, but I have added some shorts for the radar as well as a long. The shorts DO NOT mean I am bearish, I just don’t want us caught flat footed if this beast breaks. Radar for now.