The Morning Morsel-The Baton Gets Passed to JP Morgan

Johnny is gone, poor Ed McMahon is sipping steak through a straw somewhere, so we are left to watch the battle of the ego’s, two men that could buy Haiti 1000x over. Conan’s walk away check is in the $35 million range and he will probably land on the doorstep of Fox for another $30 million. Sweet work if you can get it. When you look at the tragedy in Haiti it reminds us that we truly do live in lala land.

Intel beat last night and made highs in the aftermarket not seen since Sept 2008. The bank tax is pissing people off even though we all hate banks,yet Fannie and Freddie executives stand to make bonuses this year of about $6 million and I have to pay tax on my “Cadillac” health care plan, but the unions are exempt until 2018. Go figure.

JP Morgan reports this morning and a good number will certainly add fuel to the rally in the financial sector. Some names there that look good include: AXP and V. I’m long both. I won’t be for long though if JPM lays an egg.

Friday, January 15, 2010

06:30 Chile Dec Copper Exports
08:30 Dec CPI (last m/m 0.4%, y/y 1.8%; ex food & energy last m/m 0.0%, y/y 1.7%), Dec CPI Core Index SA (last 220.527), Jan Empire Manufacturing (last 2.55)
09:15 Dec Industrial Production (last 0.8%), Dec Capacity Utilization (last 71.3%)
09:55 Jan prelim Univ of Michigan confidence (last 72.5)
10:00 Bank of Mexico Rate Decision (last 4.50%)
14:00 Argentina Dec CPI (last m/m 0.8%, y/y 7.1%)
12:30 Fed’s Lacker speak on economic outlook. Trades Ex-dividend: LOW $0.09.
Before the Open: JPM.
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