The Wrap


Thanks to subscriber John who sent me this picture as well as some others taken by an autistic German photographer, I will highlight them for the next week or so. I also thought this one was apropos as the market ran aground today. The materials got crushed at the open, but our two names, AGU and FCX rebounded nicely, both ended green. Remaining shorts, MCO, BEC, FUQI and GT are hanging in there, another leg down should get them in fighting shape. Others have not triggered yet.

The S&P closed below the all important 1100 level (optical and psychological) importance for now and can turn it around with a close back above it. I want to get some short financials on the books for us (short), but it may take another few days to see if the break down will continue. WFC short is a personal favorite, but not yet. XLF closed below the 50 day moving average today, I would like a day or two follow through.  I think the financials have put in the highs for the year this week. Let’s see if I’m right.

Geithner got pummeled on the Hill today and some on both sides of the aisle are calling for his head. The battle today was fun to watch, but so politically motivated. When will these tired old men wake up and realize we’re tired of their nonsense?

I’m short XHB at 15.10 but never got around to putting it on the list, I think the housing numbers just continue to be horrible, I think unemployment will be around for a long time and will get worse and think it’s a Ponzi built on sand. I tried not to sugar coat my thoughts, but I don’t like the home builders and will stay short for a while.

I’ve added ABAX as a shot tonight, hopefilly it will break this bear flag this time. I’m looking for $19-20 as a target.

Sorry I didn’t do the chart tonight as I had a Java issue and was giving me a headache. Have a great night and I will see you on the site and/or Twitter tomorrow. We could se a bounce tomorrow so be ready.

Date Symbol Long Price Short Price Stop Action Result P/(L) Triggered
MCO 23.00 22.00 Covered 1/3

Covered 1/3

Stopped 1/3




MHP 26.19 26 Covered ½,stopped on balance flat +2.00 yes
NAV 40.31 39 Covered 1/3

Covered 1/3

Covered 1/3




QSFT 16.30 16 Sold ½, sold balance(10-13-9) +.80


SIGA 8.43 7.65 Stopped -.80 yes
MELA 10.50 9.50 Stopped -1.00 yes
9-28-09 COCO 17.29 18.25 Sold ½

Stopped 1/2



ZION 17.39 19.00 Stopped ½ flat yes
9-30-09 YGE 11.90 12.60 -.70 yes
VNO 63.00 65.50 flat yes
XCO 19.05 18.00 stopped -1.05 yes
MHGC 5.60 5.20 -.40 yes
10-1-09 CALI 6.35 5.50 stopped -.85 no
CENX 8.97 9.60 stopped +.50 yes
BAC 16.02 16.80 stopped -.78 yes
AAP 37.70 39.40 stopped -1.70 yes
10-05-09 EXC 47.78 50 stopped -2..22 yes
JEF 27.60 27.90 Sold 100% (10-13-9) +1.60 yes
TSPT 14.35 13.70 stopped -.65 yes
HIG 29.05 28.30 stopped -.75 yes
APT 6.25 6.00 stopped -.25 yes
10-7-9 FCX 73.43 73.00 Sold half(10-13-9)

Sold balance10-14-9



10-10-9 PENN 25.67 26.20 stopped -.53 yes
NITE 23.00 22.40 stopped -.60 yes
O 22.85 24.00 yes
STEC 25.51 25.80 Covered 1/3

Covered 2/3



ARST 23.59 24.00 Sold 1/3

Sold 1/3



FIRE 23.43 22.50 stopped -1.90 yes
10-14-9 HRBN 19.72 19.30 stopped -.50 yes
UCTT 6.95 6.30 stopped -.65 yes
10-15-09 MS 33.35 33.00 Sold all +2.00
10-16-9 QSII 65.76 64.00 stopped -1.76 yes
ACI 24.22 23.20 stopped -1.02 yes
10-19-9 MEE 33.64 34.50 stopped -1.20 yes
BTU 42.35 42.50 sold +.20 yes
FSLR 146.80 152 stopped -5.00 yes
ABAX 23.86 25.00 Covered ½

Covered 1/2



PPD 40.12 41.50 Stopped -1.30 yes
MCO 23.14 25.50 yes
10-22-9 MCRS 27.40 28.00 Covered 1/3 +1.30 yes
AMAG 35.10 35.90 yes
TNDM 22.92 23.40 Covered ½

Covered ¼

Stopped 1/4




BAC 16.05 16.60 Covered 1/3

Covered 1/3

Covered 1/3




VMI 75.70 76.70 Covered ½

Covered ¼

Covered balance




CMG 81.13 83.00 Stopped -1.87 yes
ROVI 28,09 29.00 Stopped -.91 yes
CCL 30.60 31.60 Covered 1/3 +1.30 yes
10-30-9 RTH 90.00 92.00 Stopped -2.00 yes
ROST 43.76 44.83 Stopped -1.10 yes
NIHD 27.25 28.25 Covered ½

Stopped 1/2



FWLT 28.12 29.00 Stopped -.88 yes
11-2-09 CYOU 29.00 29.80 Stopped .-80 yes
YGE 11.17 11.70 Stopped -50 yes
JLL 46.38 47.20 Sold ½

Stopped 1/2



XHB 13.70 14.30 Stopped -.60 yes
WFC 27.40 28.20 yes
11-5-09 FUQI 19.14 21.00 yes
CMG 87.50 89.50 Stopped -2.00 yes
EXPE 23.60 24.70 Stopped -1.10 yes
AIG 32.66 34.50 no
MEE 33.68 32.00 Sold +3.60 yes
BEC 65.50 68.50 yes
11-13-09 GT 14.56 15.50 yes
11-17-09 HAL 32.00 30.00 no
11-18-09 FCX 85.20 82.00 yes
SLB 68.34 66.00 no
ANR 42.20 40.00 no
AGU 55.80 54.00 yes
ACI 24.39 22.00 no
11-19-09 TSTC 13.80 10.50-11.00 no
11-20-09 ABAX 22.30 24.30 no
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