Weekend Linky Dinks

Yesterday validates the cliche of never shorting a dull, listless, very low volume market.. They closed the S&P right at 1016 which was resistance, let’s see if they can follow thorough on Tuesday. Enjoy the three day weekend and please enjoy the links.

Hank Paulson’s longest night.

Big volume in junk stocks.

The one year anniversary of Lehman’s fall, man, time does fly.

Health care, drop dead.

The coming FDIC bailout.

Our penance is just starting.

Why coaches are Republican.

Are you internet addicted?

How 20 popular websites looked when they launched.

10 characteristics of great companies

Bill Gross,on the course to the new normal.

Could the Fed seize the internet?

Gordon Brown is dead.

BP makes huge oil discovery.

Washington is full of economic illiterates.

Baseball’s whiz kids.

Is Citigroup the perfect hedge?

Edmunds says now is not a good time to buy a car.

The new masters of Wall Street.

Stocktwits launches their own desktop.

Wages of Depression.

Ben Stein and the plight of the upper-middle class parent.

Making greed good again.

The incompetent and pathetic SEC.

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