A Blip, Or Deja Vu All Over Again?

{+++}The technicals were horrible with advance-declines 2710 lower and 345 up, almost 7 to 1 negative,  on New York and 5 to 1 negative on Nasdaq.   Up/down volume was even worse, with 1.3 billion traded to the downside and only 93 million to the upside on New York, a 14 to 1 ratio.  Nasdaq had more than 2 billion to the downside and 236 million to the upside, about 9 to 1 negative volume ratio.

I’m working on making the watclist box better so here are our only existing scenarios:

IYR- short at 30.50 stop 32

JLL-short at  30.48 stop 32

GILD- we are long at 46, stop 45.25-45.50

CMA- (This was not on the video) short at 19.63 stop 21

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