Weekend Linky Dinks

Happy Saturday everyone. I hope you all had a great week. I think the market might be getting a case of the “screw its” with Washington and it telegraphed its frustration with an end of week sell off. Grandstanding by our Congress was all the rage this week, with the Senate acting indignant with what Congress voted for them to do in the first place, a true comedy of errors by completely inept and pathetic leaders. Just remember that C.C. Sabathia on the N.Y. Yankees makes more than the bonus amount in question. Stop wasting our time and fix the real problem guys. The newsletter will be out later today or early tomorrow, and financials and commodities will be discussed. Enjoy the links.

Shocked at the shock. (video)

Rig counts are plummeting.

Are some consumers just a paycheck or two away from ruin?

AIG may have to give back their bonuses but not Merrill.

Replacing Geithner.

13 firms that received bailout loot owe back taxes.

The prime of Roubini.

Bob Toll is selling stock like he’s leaving in the morning.

Do you think enforcing illegal immigration is un-American?

The next time the Senate wants to piss and moan, maybe they should do some reading first. (video)

“Government” Sachs the welfare queen.

Selling short sellers short.

Obama speaks to Iran.(video)

Spitzer move over, another guy that Cramer idolizes.

A great oldie-Milton Friedman on greed.

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