Weekend Linky Dinks

Mr. Market pulled off four days in a row-count em’-four. We saw a week where Madoff will soon be making little rocks out of big rocks, and where Cramer was taken down by Stewart. I hope there is more to come on the Cramer front for the sake of the public. Oh, by the way, there may be yet another stimulus coming. Enjoy the links.

Will FAS do a reverse split?

Meredith Whitney says credit cards are the next crunch.

Some more Cramer.

Here we go, China is nervous and wants a guarantee.

What’s the beef with leveraged ETF’s?

Gartner sees IT spending down 3.9% in 2009.

The real truth about mark to market.

The Russell 1000 is doing well.

Down and out in Beverly Hills.

This still won’t work on Geithner.

Blackstone says 45% of the world’s wealth has been destroyed.

The Washington Compost-uh Post is just another old media casualty.

What would Smith, Keynes, Marx and Schumpeter say?

Ever wonder why Paulson took the Treasury job. Here is a pretty good motivation.

This is why we love sports.

Stocktwits is rocking, and Facebook notices.

Phil Pearlman on “selling to soon”.

Caifornia just can’t shake its demons.

The newsletter will be out later today or tomorrow morning so go sign up on the blog if you haven’t already.

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