Weekend Linky Dinks

Well, we still haven’t put together two plus day in a row since Feb 5th and 6th. Let’s see if we can make it happen on Monday. Here are some links, the newsletter will be out this afternoon, and I hope you are having a great weekend.

Stocktwits gets some love from Brian Deagan at IBD.

Obama disses bloggers.

Steve Forbes on mark to market accounting. Great piece.

Will people invest again?

Are our leaders really clueless?

If Barney Frank wants to prosecute, should we start with him?

The credit downgrades have started and should continue.

Taking Cox’s back.

Rethinking the American Dream.

Remember the DOW 36,000 guy?

Like everyone else, the G-20 didn’t see any of this coming.

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Unemployment at 8.1%
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Early Weakness

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