Weekend Linky Dinks

I hope everyone had a great holiday week. Here are some links of interest as we await the New Year. The newsletter will be published later today. I would love to hear all your thoughts on what 2009 will bring so let em rip. It should be wild and I can’t wait.

Drop 40% and get added to the OEX

A chip off the old block.

Some of the worst predictions in 2008 and Cramer takes the cake.

The 2008 blame game and Hank Greenberg cries us a river.

GMAC could be bigger than we think.

Hedge fund 101

We will never look at “smart money” the same again.

Even Benjamin Button got whacked by Madoff

The Mid East is escalating, about three days after the cease fire expired.

For the chefs in the house, this is my fav pot roast recipe, I make it once a month.

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